Yuma East Wetlands

The Yuma East Wetlands is considered a model for wetlands restoration in the desert Southwest and is led by a partnership between the Heritage Area, Quechan Indian Tribe, City of Yuma, and Arizona Game and Fish Department.

Restoration activities were initiated in 2004 and nearly 400 acres have been transformed from a trash dump filled with hobo camps into a mosaic of marsh, mesquite, cottonwood, and willows which provide habitat for an array of wildlife species.

A few of the most notable species discovered since the East Wetlands was created include the endangered Ridgway's Rail (Yuma Clapper Rail), and the presence and successful breeding of the endangered Yellow-Billed Cuckoo. Ongoing maintenance funding for this project is provided by the Lower Colorado Multi-Species Conservation Program, Heritage Area, City of Yuma, and Quechan.

Since 2016, the Heritage Area has successfully taken on management and maintenance activities with in-house staff and is continuing to expand volunteer and educational opportunities.

An additional 550 lineal feet of bank line wetland restoration was completed in 2018 with Bureau of Reclamation grant funding.